Nothing can Separate Us

As one of the worship leader at Christ’s Community Church, I really have a passion for worship songs and especially those that are based heavily on scripture. I enjoy searching for new songs, digging up old favorites, and every now and then I put one together.

Recently I just finished the rough draft ofย a new song based on Psalm 139 and Romans 8. The song explores the love of God and our confidence and security as His children. We just put together a rough recording of the song (without our drummer unfortunately) and I’d love to hear your feedback!

Verse 1
You know all the details about me,
You know when I sit down, stand up, and even breathe.
You know each word before there’s one of them,
You count all the hairs on my head.
I just canโ€™t get over Your interest in me.

If I flew to the heavens,
You’d hold me on top of the sky,
If I dwelt in the chasms,
The dark would be bright with Your light.
If I take the wings of the morning,
Or live at the end of the sea,
Still You’d be leading and breathing over me.

Verse 2
Who could condemn the ones whom You’ve redeemed?
You are the One who died to set me free.
Nothing on earth or in heaven,
None of the forces of Hell,
Could ever break over Your interest in me.

Nothing can separate us
Nothing can separate us
Nothing can separate us
From Your love

10 thoughts on “Nothing can Separate Us”

  1. I like it. Thank you for sharing.
    Also, I really appreciate your passion and interest in worship that is based heavily in Scripture.

    1. Thanks Melissa! We have another song in the works too, but since Dale wrote it I need to make sure it’s ok to post. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Love the tune and the words. I can only find one fault. ๐Ÿ™‚ You leave people to “assume” you are talking about God. Take out one of those pronouns and put in the NAME above all names. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Good point, Joy. I sing Lord, God, and Christ in one place or another, but it would be good to include that in the “official” lyrics.

  3. I sure have enjoyed singing this Sunday morning. (: Can’t go wrong when quoting scripture (isn’t this what you said?) hehehehehe! Love it!!

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